workES Service Provider

WorkES Service Provider


This program helps to connect eligible participants to employment opportunities by providing the supports you need to find meaningful employment. We are contracted annually to be an Employment Supports Service Provider in agreement with the Ontario Disability Supports Program. Any person with a disability who is interested in getting assistance with becoming employed can be assessed for eligibility: you are not required to be currently (or to have ever been) in receipt of ODSP Income Supports.

Participant Expectation:

To participate in our workES program, it is imperative that you are ready to make the commitment to yourself to become employed. You must agree to work with us directly and stay in regular contact with us so that we can provide you with the best possible service. We're here to assist you in helping yourself; expecting you to be an equal partner; and putting in the effort it may take to become successfully employed. 

Benefits For Participants:

If you are a person with a disability who has faced any kind of barrier to entering the labour force: we can help! Oftentimes, the best way to start is with honest conversation. Let's work together to identify your special skills; experiences; and employment goals to assist you to reach your full potential. Our best attribute is our ability to match you with opportunities that are truly suited to you.

What you can expect when you partner with our employment team:

  • Individualized and personalized service
  • Assistance will all pre-employment needs (self assessment, resume and cover letter authoring, job search skills)
  • Provide employer outreach, job placement assistance and job retention supports to help you prepare for, find and keep employment

Employment Rewards Incentive Program:

By enrolling in our workES programming, and once you are successfully deemed eligible, you are automatically eligible for our Employment Rewards Incentive Program. This innovative and unique incentive is ONLY available at ILRC Thunder Bay and is separate from all other aspects of ODSP Employment Supports programming. This reward program is designed to assist successful program participants to remain committed to their employment goals as they become successfully employed. Once you become employed (and remain employed) we will provide you a monetary reward incentive to celebrate your success and commitment to the program. This is a one time reward and is only available to new applicants when you meet the expectations of the Employment Rewards Incentive Program. More information will be provided to applicants when you apply.

Getting Started - Program Eligibility:

The myth is that this programming is ONLY for those individuals in receipt of ODSP Income Supports: but this is not true! ODSP Employment Supports is for any eligible person with a disability and you do not have to have any other attachment to other aspects of ODSP. 

Becoming eligible couldn't be simpler, however, we rely on your ability and willingness to undertake the requirements to become eligible. We will actively assist you with every aspect of ensuring you become eligible as we are unable to provide you services until you have successfully been deemed eligible by ODSP.

If you are not on ODSP Income Supports:

If you are on ODSP Income Supports:

  • You should not be actively working with any other ODSP Employment Supports Service Provider
  • You must be ready and willing to undertake the partnership with us to become employed
  • You must Live in Ontario and be at least 16 years old
  • You must be be legally allowed to work in Canada and have a Social Insurance Number
  • You must be willing to provide a completed "Verification of Disability" along with your application
  • You should not be actively working with any other ODSP Employment Supports Service Provider
  • You must be ready and willing to undertake the partnership with us to become employed
  • You must Live in Ontario and be at least 16 years old
  • You must be legally allowed to work in Canada and have a Social Insurance Number
  • You must complete the entire application process with us


Verification of Disability Assistance Support (VDAS):

The idea of having to "verify" your disability can seem daunting to ES applicants who are not on Income Supports of the ODSP. This is however a requirement of the Ontario Disability Supports Program that ensures ES program resources are being directed to those for whom they are allocated and intended for. Even though ILRC Thunder Bay has a "self-disclosure" model of disability; and we as an organization do not seek to name or label disability clinically or otherwise: we strongly support maintaining the integrity of program resources as directed by funding bodies. Verifying your self-disclosed disability is a simple and private action that we are happy to provide you with step-by-step support to make the process as easy as possible. The first step is consulting with our Employment Facilitators.

Contact Us Now:

Lindsay Baranyk - Program Facilitator - WorkES - ODSP Employment Supports